I started Grave Dance, the sequel to Grave Witch, but it's not terribly interesting to me. It feels like it has a lot of loose threads, which will probably eventually get tied together, but at the moment it's more than I feel like paying attention to. Did not finish.
I finished that fairy tale retelling I'd started earlier - Beast, by Donna Jo Napoli - and did not like it. It's Beauty and the Beast, from the Beast's viewpoint, with him being a Persian prince whose sin is that he doesn't ask for help, gets an important ritual wrong as a result, and gets turned into a lion for it. I don't really see that dude ever learns his lesson; he continues to see himself as a prince and other people/lions as tools throughout the book. Even Belle (who doesn't even show up until well over halfway through the book) is just a means of breaking his curse, until maybe the last minute. Also, enthralled I am not with his preference for a child bride.
Courtney Milan's Unraveled will be awesome, but it is not out quite yet. I'm browsing my Kindle samples and my library stash, but haven't had anything scream my name yet.
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